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巴西圣保罗大学毕业证 书补办案例展示

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圣保罗大学(Universidade de São Paulo,简称USP)是巴西乃至拉丁美洲最顶尖的大学之一,成立于1934年。作为巴西最大的公立大学,USP以其卓越的学术研究和广泛的社会影响力闻名。学校主校区位于圣保罗市,这里是巴西的经济和文化中心,为学生提供了丰富的学习和实践机会。USP在多个学科领域表现卓越,尤其在工程、医学、农业科学和人文社会科学方面享有盛誉。


English Part:

The University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo, USP), established in 1934, is one of the top universities in Brazil and Latin America. As Brazil's largest public university, USP is renowned for its outstanding academic research and broad social impact. The main campus is located in São Paulo, Brazil's economic and cultural hub, offering students abundant learning and practical opportunities. USP excels in various disciplines, particularly in engineering, medicine, agricultural sciences, and humanities and social sciences, earning a strong reputation.

USP places a strong emphasis on academic research and social responsibility, providing students with world-class educational resources and research facilities. The university boasts numerous national and international research centers and has established extensive partnerships with top global universities and institutions. Additionally, USP is committed to promoting social equity and sustainable development, actively participating in community projects and research to contribute to solving global challenges. Whether in academic research or social responsibility, USP provides students with an environment full of opportunities and support.